Aug 042011

I'll Walk Alone by Mary Higgins Clark

_I’ll Walk Alone_ by Mary Higgins Clark

It may be time for me to give up these books…or maybe I should just be glad I have read almost all Clark’s books and others like it so that I do not feel a need to read them all the time. I think last time I read one of her novels, back in Nov, I wasn’t as enthralled either.

This story is about a woman whose son is kidnapped two years before and she has never given up on trying to find him. As the plot thickens, it seems that someone is trying to set her up by using a look-a-like to make it seem as if she was the one who kidnapped her child. It all comes to a dramatic happy-ending.

It seems these books/stories are becoming too formulaic for me. There is a strong independent woman who is taken advantage of in some way. She has some weaknesses that are played upon. There are two possible antagonists,but one is more suspect than the other to draw your attention away from the real bad-guy. Then, the truth is revealed, but it never really makes sense or is justifiable in any way. In some cases, like this one, it just seems like a contrived and overly dramatic reason to cause such an extreme act against the protagonist.

It took me about a day to read the book. By the time all the possible characters were introduced I knew who had done it. So, until about the last 50 pages, I wasn’t overly engaged. The last pages took me in because there was more action, drama and the reason for the crime was revealed, although it was an unsatisfactory result…..

Hopefully, the next book will be more of a winner!

Until next time,


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