Jul 132011

I am trying to continue to catch up on posts in my ‘draft’ box that I set aside to write on later while mixing in posts about my current life adventures. So, forgive me if I seem a little more random than usual.

A while ago, I was catching up on the blogs/websites that I try to follow and came across this 8Asians article on Third Culture Asian-Americans. It was a perfect read for me as I often struggle with identity issues of not being really Asian in culture or life philosophy, but not being completely white as I have very little control over my outward appearance.

Also, it is often difficult to try to explain why I don’t like to be considered Asian-American or even refer any part of my Asian-ness aside from how I look because I have no other connection to being “Asian”. I grew up white. I have white values, white way of thinking and doing, white preferences for food and styles. Of course, this is stereotyping and boxing in the other direction, but I would be much more comfortable if people did that to me than what occurs.

In truth, the curiosity of others should not be offensive, but rather I should look at it as an opportunity to share a different point of view, to open eyes, to give a momentary experience that is unique – because my life experiences are unique. However, not being a true-people person and all that makes it hard to stay on the positive side of the scale….

Anyway, I liked this article.

I also began to think about the option of someday retiring or at least looking for property in Hawai’i somewhere. It is where I was most relaxed about my identity – most people thought I was Hawai’ian and didn’t think to ask me “Where are you from?”, but instead treated me like a ‘normal’ person. So, I am looking at options/opportunities and considering what can be done!

So, read the article, comment if you like and I will keep on a’posting!

Until next time,


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