Aug 282011

A while back I read this post on 8Asians and thought about how Koreans love emotional drama – more so than many of the other countries I have visited. Koreans and Japanese are often compared, but I always find Japanese people too stoic and though their tv dramas attempted to be dramatically emotional, it was rare that it succeeded for me as it often felt more forced than real.

In any case, this Koreans Got Talent opera singer is a young Korean man who came up from the streets and has an amazing voice. Just watching the clip shows how much emotional drama there is – not even American Idol goes this far!

So, then I wonder, not really knowing Koreans that well, if there is a great deal of emotional drama in them?

Due to my life circumstances, I have learned to be very stoic and internalize my emotions, but I am drawn to people who are passionate and expressive – is it a matter of opposites attract or am I really craving my natural instincts in others?

Anyway, random thoughts on that…

More to come,


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