Feb 122024

It’s award season. πŸ† Whether or not she would agree, I always felt that watching the Grammy’s or Oscar’s was something my mom and I bonded over. Probably, at the time, it never seemed like it meant much to me and over the years, she wouldn’t know that I make a point of watching these shows as an act of nostalgia. (Now you know, Mom!) πŸ₯°

For the most part, I barely keep up with the latest of anything. I feel pretty content in my life that it is not important for me to know who’s who. However, I had heard that there were some legends performing at this year’s Grammy’s so I tuned in (after it aired live). πŸŽ‰

I was not disappointed by the performances. Even the newbies to me were entertaining.

Yet, I was disappointed by those who have today’s spotlight amongst the youth. 🫀 Now, I realize that I might be showing my age (gasp!), but I felt a real un-relatability to the likes of Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift. While the masses seem to enjoy jumping on the bandwagon of either hate or love for these two, especially TS, I could really care less. I enjoy some tunes from both and dislike many tunes from both. That is not the age gap, in my opinion.

What is the issue at hand, is the lack of class. πŸ˜” Both of these ladies, who are touted as being role models for young females of today, gave acceptance speeches that were contradictory and lacking humility. “I accept this award, but I don’t need this award.” “Thank you for this, but it doesn’t mean anything because I’ll keep doing what I do.” “I’ve already won so many of these, but I make my music for you.” These kinds of words are so strange. 😟

At the crux of it for me, was the lack of etiquette, appreciation, and humility to be recognized. In this growing entitled, social media is everything world, I cannot relate to the inability to simply say “Thank you. I appreciate the recognition and I hope to keep making music that you all continue to enjoy.” That’s all they need to say. Nothing more. 🀫

Anyway, as my dad likes to repeatedly point out, giving them time and attention feeds into the problem. Or, at least I choose to turn his words into a more proactive statement. πŸ€ͺ So, this is all the attention I will give to them for now. I’m sure I’ll have some words about the Super Bowl and the media’s obsession over TS… I mean seriously, who really cares?? Ooops, getting ahead of myself. In my usual tradition, I shall be spending some time on YouTube watching the adverts, highlights of the game, and then will pontificate in a later post – perhaps.

We leave tomorrow for three weeks in Australia, so I just might have better things to do with my time! πŸ˜…

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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