Aug 082016

Every time I think that I will have an extra moment or that we will have some extra funds it feels like something else comes up. In some cases the extras are negative and sometimes they are positive. It is definitely hard work to focus on the positives and to not get bogged down in the details of unimportance.

Today, it is my time that I am struggling with. There is some sense of pressure in needing to prepare for my trip as I am leaving in two days. It is almost hard to believe that this Bali Retreat is actually happening and that it has come. When I started my yoga certification course, I had no idea how I was going to make it work as I had not yet decided to quit working full-time. I left it to be sorted out later and it has! Still, I am trying to make sure that I catch up with people, do my tutoring sessions to have funds for the trip, run errands, etc.

So, while I had planned to have a bit of an easier and slower morning today, it has not quite worked out that way. However, my focus is on the fact that I do have an hour or so to post, write and generally take a few deep breaths. I actually had time to do a 25-minute meditation last night, which was a huge relief as I have been out of practice and need to be able to do 45-60 minutes for the retreat… 😐 Plus, this morning, I had to run an errand out at Yas Mall, so I combined it with a morning yoga class there as they are doing Ladies Mondays with alternating weeks of yoga and mall-walking. It worked out perfectly so that I could get in a free class on top of doing my errand. πŸ™‚ Also, it was a nice chance to meet a few new people and make contact with the instructor.

I am realizing how all these little activities contribute to various effects later, so I am trying not to takeΒ any of it for granted even though it presses a bit upon my time. I need to learn to just relax with my idea of a strict schedule – even more than I already have! It is only myself who gets stressed and it is only me who it matters to overall, so, yes, deep breaths and a smile!

Sometimes we all require a shift in perspective to see that there are reasons for our unexpected extras whether good or bad. There is alway something to gain if we just look for it and keep plans flexible . πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 12:21
Aug 072016

Yesterday I mentioned that we have been going to the gym. One of the things that we decided upon when we made the decision on our new place was that we would get ourselves to the gym and lead a more active life. M has definitely needed to get back into shape to avoid middle-age belly. πŸ˜›

So, starting August 1, we hit the gym with just one day off, which is great!!

I had been considering what kind of routine I want to do since every day on the treadmill might not keep me motivated. Once the weather gets nice again, I will try to go to the Corniche to run rather than staying on the ‘mill; however, in preparation for that I am trying to run/walk. This serves as my cardio workout every other day.

While I am usually a free-weights person – mostly because the machines scared me – I decided to try out the different machines that are on offer. Now, I am hooked! On the other days, I do a circuit on the machines focusing on all parts of the body – abs, legs, arms and repeat. What I love about the machines is the balancing of strength as I really notice now how much stronger my right side is than my left, which is strange given that I am left-handed. So, hopefully now I will balance out the muscle strength. πŸ™‚

Also, now I am determined to tone my stomach to a defined four-pack if not a six. The ab machines are not too painful, but definitely provide me with a workout. Already, I can see a slight difference. If nothing else, I can also get rid of my slowly forming muffin-top. No 40-year-old wants that! πŸ˜›

Someone suggested that I might like crossfit, which is true. However, I am not that competitive with others and do not really like to kill myself with the workout routines. I like to just push myself enough until there’s a bit of pain or sweat and then back off. It’s enough for me, so with regular yoga mat time on top of the gym, I think I will be doing just fine with the fitness – don’t you?

Just in case, (and for my reference later) here’s my routine:

Circuit days:
*5min warm-up on elliptical machine
*abs machine 1 (cross arms and sitting crunch with weights – starting weight was 20kgs 30-40 reps)
*arm machine (pull 20kgs 40 reps)
*leg press (40kgs 30 reps)
*abs machine 2 (laying crunch with 1.5kg weight 20 reps)
*arm machine (pull down front and back 25kgs 20 reps each)
*leg press (thigh press 20kgs 30 reps)
*repeat abs machine 1
*arm machine (either press up bar weight only or push out machine 20kgs 20-30 reps)
*repeat leg press
*repeat abs machine 2
*100 jumping jacks
*30-50 jump rope
*plank 30-60 seconds or as long as I can

*yoga to stretch and release muscle tension

Treadmill days:
*25-30 mins with intermittent running starting from 5mins and building up.
(Goal is to be able to run for about 30 mins straight, which would be around 5km, I think…. Eventually, I’d like to run the length of the Corniche and back which is approximately 12km round trip….)

There it is – my fitness life at the moment!

~T πŸ˜€

Aug 062016

Another day missed for posting and I didn’t realize it because my schedule is all out of whack right now. It is probably going to be this way for a few more weeks until after I get back from Bali for my yoga training retreat. However, in the meantime, I will try to adjust to a new routine.

So far, we have been doing reasonably well with going to the gym each morning – yesterday was a rest day, though. πŸ˜‰ Β It feels nice to get up straight away and get the body moving as this is more my style of starting a day. πŸ˜› M is starting to enjoy (may be a stretch?) it as well since the gym is just an elevator ride away. This weekend we have even worked out the health club use, so I think he is even more convinced to shower there each day, but we will see once the week begins.

Still, due to trying to get the apartment organized I have been a little off my schedule, which can have unsettling effects on me. Thankfully, we are just about finished with everything now. There are still a couple more boxes of books to get through and then there’s the dilemma of my academic books, but in general we are as organized as we can be until M’s stuff arrives from his storage.

Furthermore, I have started tutoring again. This time, instead of tutoring in English, I am tutoring a group of four young students in Japanese! Yep, you read that correctly. It has actually been quite fun and it is so nice to have students who actually want to learn. Since we have lessons three times a week for two hours, this also breaks up my schedule; however, at the end of last week I made our time later so that I can still have the mornings to get what I want done.

Finally, since we are getting up to the gym, this means that my yoga mat time needs to adjust along with meditation time. So, starting tomorrow, I am going to give getting up around 5am a go so that I can have about an hour to meditate before the gym. I do have to prepare for the retreat week as well, so it will be good for me to have this become the way I start my day. I have been missing the mindfulness time and noticed that my mind has gone back to flitting to and fro rather than staying focused. While I am still fairly calm these days, I need to be sure to take care of my mental state to keep calm and positive through this period that is not yet finished.

So, overall life is good and the new routine will come. Once I am back from my ‘holiday’, life will return to ‘normal’ or as normal as it can be for us. πŸ˜› Breathe in, breathe out!

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 16:47
Aug 042016

We are now five days in to our new home and I am personally completely in love with the place. They say money cannot buy happiness, but money can buy rent for a lovely place that results in happiness! πŸ˜›

So far, we have not been too hot without AC as long as we cool off the apartment as much as we can when we are home by leaving the front door open for the lobby air to waft in. In truth, I’ll probably do this even when we have working AC as it will keep costs down for us – as long as the fur balls don’t cause trouble for our neighbors by exploring the lobby area…. 😐

After my second day with a cold shower, I decided that it was time to explore the health club downstairs. So, yesterday I went down for a steam sauna and then had a warm shower, which made me extremely happy. Again, I’ll likely just keep doing this as it will keep water costs down. πŸ˜‰

Almost all of the rooms are organized now. Today was the third room, but I did not manage to finish it as the dust was getting to me and I wanted to have time to do my own thing this afternoon as I did not have time to post here yesterday. It is important to keep having a balance as there will always be distractions to keep me from writing or staying on a routine. Besides, I had some errands to run as well. πŸ™‚

Slowly, everything is coming together. Another few hours of organizing should just about settle things for this Phase II work. Of course, when M’s stuff arrives out of storage, it will be another session of ‘nesting’, but then we can take stock of our combined items and also see what we need to add to our home to have everything settled. It is actually kind of exciting! πŸ˜›

On Saturday we will be collecting the kitties, which will be nice to have them back. I will have to be sure to hide everything breakable or of value to us after two months of not having to worry about such things, but it will be nice to have the pudi-tats back! All is well!

~T πŸ˜€


 Posted by at 14:55
Aug 022016


_One Hundred Years of Solitude_ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

This was a beautiful story of three generations of the Buendia family in their hometown. While the town changes, the family’s complex relationship, characters and connection do not. The story has everything from war, love, drama, death and mystery. Using Latin American culture and mysticism beliefs, Marquez creates such a lovely story.

Like his other stories, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I wish I could read his works in Spanish to fully appreciate the language as I imagine it is beautiful. Still, I enjoyed the English version fully.

Not much more to say about this. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

Aug 012016

When Phase I of our big move and change was completed, I was hopeful and excited about our new adventure and home. When our one month wait got delayed another month, I went through a number of different emotions. Through it all, I have learned patience and the role of controlling the thoughts I have as I become aware of whether or not they are serving me or hindering me/us.

So, although Phase II is not complete, we are finally in Phase II!

Yesterday, our stuff (rather mostly MY stuff) arrived to our new apartment. Despite the hours ahead needed to reorganize and put away things as I like, it feels amazing to be in our own space again. πŸ˜€ Unpacking is definitely much harder than packing, especially with the moving company. The movers just decided to put stuff away in random places, I will take pictures of the kitchen cabinets before I try to put some sense of order to it. πŸ˜›

In any case, I am taking one room a day to make sure it is organized and put together. Some rooms may take a couple of days, but last night I made sure the bathroom was in order and our bed made. This morning, I completed the master bedroom closets and arranging the room a bit, so now our room is just about good to go.

As for why Phase II is not complete, well, there are two more parts: Β 1)electricity and Internet; 2)M’s stuff in storage. Part one means, no lights, no hot water, no Internet/TV and no AC.

Fortunately, the apartment keeps itself from being boiling due to the centralized AC system in the building. When we are in the apartment, we can leave the front door open (there are only two apartments on the floor) and let in the cool air from the elevator lobby without much disturbance to or from anyone else. Therefore, this is not really a problem.Β Besides, there are plenty of places for us to go in the complex to get AC if we need to cool down.

As for lights, there is plenty of daylight shining through during the day. Thankfully, we were able to use the poles from the other apartment to hang up curtains in the bedroom to limit the afternoon sun that heats up the room. However, generally speaking there is plenty of light until the sun goes down. At night,Β we are doing a form of ‘glamping’ with candles to light our way. Β It’s romantic, isn’t it?

Our main struggle is charging our electronic devices and lack of Internet. Although we do not really watch normal TV much, we do use the Internet to stream and so that will be a bit of a challenge for us in the evenings. We can go to The Lounge downstairs to charge up and use WiFi for the most part, but it will require some thought to ensure we are charged up through the night. They also have large screen TVs, but we will be limited to whatever they have showing – or we can stream on our iPads with some background noise. First-worldΒ troubles, really. πŸ˜‰ Luckily for us we both go to bed quite early so it is not like there are many hours of dark to get through. πŸ˜›

This morning’s cold shower was a bit of a shocker, but when it is so warm outside, it is okay. Also, we can always use the health club showers if the cold ones at home become too much. Thus, overall, I cannot complain. In fact, I am so happy to be in our new home together at last. There is still some limbo, but at least this feels like a step forward rather than treading water. πŸ™‚

And, the best part is, that after a long day withΒ the move-in, we got to go to the jacuzzi and soak my tired feet. Not too shabby, eh? πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€


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