May 262016

IMG_0281(card from my honey)

Well, I am trying to fully embrace “retirement”. I have said that I do not think any of it will fully set in until about October when everyone is back in full swing at work and I am not. At the moment, it is just the usual summer holiday transition period.

Therefore, what is a girl to do to celebrate? Go to the beach club, of course! My first day “off” wasn’t officially off yet, but it was ladies’ day at the beach club, so what is one to do?! Us ladies spent a lovely day chatting about life, soaking up rays and cooling in the waters.


Day 2 kicked off with a little pampering – spa life returns – and then a stop at my favorite place (Argo Tea).


Here I am on Day 3 (don’t worry I’ll stop counting eventually!) vegging at home, catching up on my screen time, and happily passing the time away. I even slept in a little longer than yesterday, so who knows maybe it will not take me so long to get used to this transition period! πŸ˜›

More to come,


 Posted by at 12:11

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