Jun 062010

When I sum up all that makes me happy –

The color purple
Korean food
Teddy bears
White roses
A beautiful novel

Hope in humanity
Unity among men
Shared joy and laughter

My family
My true friends
My love –

The sun shines a little brighter
The air feels a little warmer
And I smile a lot wider.

~June 6, 2010

Jun 012010

Why is it funny to joke –
“You’re adopted”

Is my life funny to others?
Is my lack of known heritage a joke?
Is my lack of identity with any country or culture something to laugh about?

Go ahead laugh it up
Go ahead enjoy your position of power
Go ahead try to forget the truth staring you in the face

I’ll smile along
I’ll hide the pain your joke causes
I’ll pretend to play your game

That’s what we do – the adopted –

We pretend
We smile
We hide

But know this –
My life, being adopted, is no dinner joke

It’s reality.

~June 1, 2010

May 232010

They say laughter makes a
healthy heart.

For me, being with you is
just the start.

Not only do you make me

But you really are like
my other half.

Where I am lacking
You are abundant
Where I am weak
You are strong

Time spent with you is
never dull.

You make every part
of me full.

I love you –
both parts and whole.

All this to say –
You are good for my soul.

May 23, 2010

Mar 162010

The horns honk
The sirens blare
And I do not care.

The men gawk
The people stare
And I do not care.

The temperatures can conk
The weather may always be fair
But still I do not care.

For nothing can knock
Me out of this state, so rare
Because it’s for you

That I care.

~March 15, 2010

PS Not a great one, but am trying with different techniques…. 😀

Mar 112010

You are my north star
as the Earth spins

You are my sun
as the clouds roll in

You are my pillar
as the ground moves and shifts

You are my direction
as the wind blows.

It’s in your
embrace I feel safe

It’s in your
hands I feel sure

It’s in your
eyes I see security.

For you remain my constant
as life races on.

~March 9, 2010

Mar 012010

It’s as if…

…I’ve been waiting all my life for you.
…I’ve always known you deep within.
…I’ve never really known love before.

It’s as if…

…you read my thoughts before I say them.
…you know my heart without the words.
…you have always loved me –

and I you.

~February 28, 2010

Mar 012010

The writer longs for description
The painter craves expression
The sculptor aches for formation
The actor dreams of recognition

and to what end?

For whom do we describe our thoughts and feelings?
From whom do we need to be recognized?
For what do we desire to make form?
For what do we gain recognition?

is it to make the world better?
is it to leave our mark?

Is it possible for our creative angst to be relieved?

~February 28, 2010

Feb 172010

Sometimes I worry and fret
Sometimes I imagine what hasn’t happened yet.

My heart still shudders at the memory
Of when you were away from me.

And there are times when the fear sets in
Will he still love me tomorrow…? But, then

I see you and you smile
Then I know all my worrying was not really worthwhile.

~February 16, 2010

Feb 172010

Is this for real?
A man who opens doors
A man who lets/requests that I go first?

Is this for real?
A man who tells me his thoughts
A man who shares his feelings?

Is this for real?
A man who is very masculine, but
A man who appreciates style, quality and sense?

Is he for real?

~February 16, 2010

Feb 132010

Loving you
Is an easy and natural thing to do.

It’s as if you are a part of me
And into my soul you see.

I remember the day we met,
You were intriguing and yet,

My thoughts were only on friendship
Someone to share the beach with for a dip.

Anything more, I didn’t think
Was in the cards – until that drink….

My world changed forever.
Then, when our ties seemed to sever –

Everything stopped.

I couldn’t breathe.
I couldn’t eat.
I couldn’t sleep.

What was life without you?

At last, things feels as they should be
Just you and me.
At last, there is calm and peace
This feeling I hope will never cease.

-February 13, 2010


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