Nov 012022
Found it!

**This is the original part of the post that somehow didn’t get published…**

Since the finalization of the election results (before the January 6th formalities), I have had this countdown on my home tab of my browser. Each day there is a saying to consider philosophically along with a beautiful picture.

Most of the time, I take for granted the phrases and just pause to take in the image as I go about my online activities for the day.

However, today seemed rather fitting “Find your joy” on the day that He’s OUT! πŸ‘πŸ½

It has been four long dark years in the world of politics. πŸŒ‘ Darker than usual since politics can be generally irritating and dark on the best of days. However, from the disbelief of his election win that followed the disbelief of Brexit, the world has continued to spiral into chaos. πŸŒͺπŸ’₯ Although the world probably needed this shake up to bring to light many of the issues that we had been happily turning a blind eye to such as systemic racism, immigration problems, and international dependence on the US to lead in many aspects of the global concerns, it has come at a great price.

My hope is that now the blinders are off and we will use our new awakening to focus on the good and humane; that we will do what humans do best and unite to build an even better and stronger world than before the dark four years. 🀞🏽

I suppose only history will tell us what has been gained or lost with a more certain objective view. However, in the moment of today, I am sighing in relief πŸ˜₯ and smiling with hope πŸ˜… of a much brighter future. My patriotism still stands firm, πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ whether misguided or not, but it is not at all costs. There is a lot riding on what comes out of the burning ashes that have been aflame the last 1,827 days. But, I choose to believe that, like the mythical phoenix, πŸŽ‰ the nation will rise to be even stronger and better than before.

So, today, I find joy in the fact that we are about to see the first person of color and female Vice-President πŸ™ŒπŸ½ and plans are already in motion to rebuild with a sense of humanity and goodness. πŸ™πŸ½ Welcome to President Biden and Vice-President Harris! πŸ’ž

**New part of the post… TODAY November 1, 2022**

I’m beginning the process of “cleaning house” as I prepare to take stock for the year and get affairs in order. Sometimes when I consider what to share on this blog, I start pieces to help guide me later. There are also times when I start a post on another device and then forget to publish them or something or other. This one seems to be an example of one that got lost in the files – and quite a long time ago.

Yet, I felt that it was reasonably good timing to bring it back out and finally hit “publish” on it since I am mentally preparing to return to the US for three weeks. Also, the little that I do keep up with politics and news has revealed that in the coming weeks while I am visiting my family, the good ol’ former P will be back on the TV screen with his potential subpoena to Congress regarding his involvement with the Jan 6 incident. 😬

Despite many in and out of the US who keep up with the domestic drama saying how much of a sh*t show it is πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«, I have done my best to stay away from knowing too much or engaging in what I deem to be pointless conversation around it. However, it has also been very easy for me to sort of bury my head in the sand because I live away from just about everything. So, it is with a little bit of anxiety that I prepare to return to the US again post-pandemic, post-beginning of hate crimes, post-expression of anti-Asian sentiments, etc. While I want to hope for the best, I somewhat expect the worst even though Portland, Oregon is fairly liberal in the city, the more rural areas are not so much.

I consider myself pretty open-minded and though I would say I am liberal thinking, I have some pretty conservative opinions on certain topics. Still, I am Asian. I am anti-establishment. I am anti-authority/power at my personal expense. I am anti-coercion/bullying. I am pro-choice. I am pro-freedom of expression, thought, orientation, and individuality. How will this all play in and out when I am in mixed crowds? πŸ€” I do not know. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

So, I am focusing on the excitement and love for seeing family and friends. πŸ™πŸ½ Hopefully, there’ll be nothing else to report back here to the contrary. 😜

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

  One Response to “Today’s Joy – well, in January 2021…”

  1. At the risk of sounding heartless, I was hoping that (you know who would pass into the night because of the virus) . Love your take on the whole USA business

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