Dec 282023

Sometimes unexpected changes in plans brings about an even better experience than the one anticipated.

Although we would have had a lovely time spending the holidays with my parents in the Bahamas, we would have missed out on family time with my brother, catching up with a few family and friends, and enjoying just a quiet chilled time.

The past ten days have really flown by without any tension or stress that can often be felt when five people, who are all rather different and rarely see each other, spend time in close quarters together. Yet, it felt pretty easy peasy to me.

Since it was not so much a time to visit and catch up with everyone possible, we kept a pretty low profile. The main purpose was to hang with my parents and brother, which we achieved. ✅

Christmas 🎄 was quiet, but ever so lovely. Plus, Santa 🎅 was very very good to me. I mean, I was a rather good girl this year. 😜😂

Now, we are awaiting our flight back to the sun and sand to ring in the near year beachside. 🏝️ More on that once we get settled in.

Dec 152023

I’m still coughing…😩 fits of it make me feel as if my entire body is shaking to pieces like an earthquake. Luckily, the body is well put together that, so far, everything seems to be staying in place. Still, my head hurts 😵‍💫 on occasion and the inability to laugh or sometimes move too much without an outburst of spittle flying through the air (TMI?) is frustrating at times.

Still, I’m writing this from a soft top king-size mattress bed looking out the window as the 60+km per hour gusts of wind blow the palm trees 🏝️ and creates white tops on the crest of the waves in the sea. Our room is warm and cozy. It’s big enough for us to have separate spaces for working and a luxurious style bathroom for trying to steam out the mucus in my chest. So, there are worse places to be a little under the weather.

Also, our holiday (part 1) has not seen much sun in the sky. However, as you may have noted, I did say “Holiday Part 1” and so we know we will be back soon when the weather is meant to return to the island paradise style. By then, I hope to also be in full health again! Besides that, we are looking forward to a family visit home for the holidays 🎄 where we/I can appreciate the health and presence of my loved ones.

So, lest we forget and get caught up in the spoils of our richness – monetarily and figuratively – we remind ourselves to appreciate everything we have in this life fully. We have worked hard for it, we have manifested it, we have embraced it, and we now appreciate it. 🙏🏽😎

Poolside on a cloudy day that was the calm before the storm

~T 🔥🐉♋️

Dec 132023

My happy place has always been by the ocean. When I started to travel, I learned that there were warm beaches unlike the chillier one of the Oregon Coast, which I still love in many ways.

Still, when given a choice, I would prefer a warm beach, blue sea, and golden sand.

I’ve seen a number of beaches over the years that have come close to this ideal. But, this…this is something else.

We are spending 8 nights in the Bahamas on Paradise Island. Although the island is man-made, the name is appropriate for the water and sand that is all natural.

Although I am still sick, we are slightly jet lagged and the weather is as temperamental as my partner’s moods sometimes 😅, it is rather amazing to see the blue of the water and the glow of the sand when the sun ☀️ shines.

With that, time to get back to enjoying paradise. More to come.

~T 🔥🐉♋️

Dec 062023

I’m still alive – a cough lingers in the chest even after almost two weeks, but not suffering. Nothing that a bit of time in the sun can’t cure in a few days.

In the meantime, we are in London for a few days. Will try to update on this part of our winter travels in a few days.

Until then, stay warm and healthy!

~T 🔥🐉♋️


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