Aug 032015

I know that I promised some updates on my travels this summer, but as I have finally processed a bit about the results of my birth family search, I thought perhaps I would write on that today.

As I was just going back over this blog, I realized that my last posting on this topic was over three years ago!!! Eeks, a lot has happened since then.

So, let me pick up where I left off and then will continue this series as I go along.


After being contacted by SWS that they had possibly found the sisters of my recorded birth mother, they were able to convince one of the sisters to speak with me: Β Om Hyo Son.

I received her contact info and, as my posting at that time suggested, gave her a call while I was in the States. We had a short chat, even though her English isn’t the best. It turns out that she lives in Hawai’i and is the third daughter of four daughters – all living in the States. There are also two brothers (one older and one younger) who still live in Korea. The oldest sister was the other one that SWS (the adoption agency) had found, but she did not want to have anything to do with the matter and refused any communication or help.

So, luckily HyoSon felt some pity and sense of responsibility if I was truly a ‘released’ part of the family. Unfortunately, she said that her sister, the second oldest and woman said to be my birth mother (Om Kyung Boon), had had a mental breakdown about 10 years prior and she had not been able to communicate with her since. In fact, no one had (it sounds like she may have schizophrenia). Sadly, KyungBoon had needed to live in an assisted care facility, lost her husband to divorce and may or may not have contact with her two daughters – potentially my two half-sisters – with no one to help her. The eldest sister seemed to be the only one who visited or had knowledge of where she was located. Thus, HyoSon could not give me any more information. She did not know what else she could do at that point given that her eldest sister would not budge on not wanting to associate with me. Furthermore, no one believed it was possible since her sister would have only been 18 years old not 21 years old at the time of my birth, which means my papers were wrong. HyoSon also mentioned that in those days sometimes people paid to use someone else’s names on documents to protect themselves, but she said there was no way to know for sure. She felt that perhaps her father might know more, but he had passed away recently leaving no other options.

HyoSon left the door open, though after our conversation on the phone and gave me her email address. We exchanged a few messages where I suggested that we could have a DNA test done to confirm our possible blood connection. She claimed she didn’t know how this would be possible since she didn’t have any contact with KyungBoon.

Then, I didn’t hear from her again…until two years later!

πŸ˜€ -T

Aug 022015

Well, six weeks flew by and I saw 9 countries that were all wonderful. I will be updating as I can with pics and thoughts on my visits.

In the meantime, we got back last night and were up early this morning on a new regime. Since we both got a bit pudgy over the holidays, M and I are on a regular workout routine along with a clean Paleo diet for the next month. It is good to be back. I like routines, so it is good for me to get settled in to one before I return to work again. M is back at it today, which gives me time to recover from my ‘social’ traveling. πŸ˜€

There are a couple of lingering academic projects I need to finish up as well before the new academic year begins as I want to start this year fresh without hovering deadlines and push for things. Although I have already committed to possibly one more book editing project, I am going to force myself to take this year to lay low from anything overly taxing. M and I have some new goals set and it is time to start working towards those instead – now that PhD is no longer in the way.

So, wish me luck as we go along and no doubt I’ll be sharing it all here! πŸ™‚


 Posted by at 10:01

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