Nov 102023

We love a party – yes, even me, the introvert!

Although I tend to prefer smaller group gatherings for catching up with people, I do enjoy bringing people together and seeing what sort of social interactions will arise to give me food for thought. M loves a large party to play host and to flit to and fro. So, it’s a good combined activity for us to organize and put on. Luckily, it seems we aren’t bad at it as everyone seemed to have had a great time.

Our last big gathering was a sit-down potluck-style meal of 35 around our big tables for Easter. So, this time, we did a stand-up event with catering and a live reggae (Bob Marley cover) band. It was mostly inside, which drove some people outside when the music was playing. If we could have trusted the weather, we would have set up the band outside instead, but it was our first go at it and now we know.

The event was without a specific purpose, but we combined a bit of Halloween fun with a pumpkin design contest, celebrated a birthday, and mixed lamentations and relief at the changing season. Overall, it was a great night that took a couple of days to recover from the late night (for me) and the alcohol consumption (for M). πŸ˜…

Here are a few pics that highlight the night!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Nov 062023

Ladies’ trip with the fabulous A.N. in Palma Majorca (Mallorca) is a wrap with wonderful memories, lots of laughs, much chit-chat, and as an overall amazing experience.

First, about Palma – the Spanish capital of the Balearic island of Mallorca (Majorca in English spelling). It’s an interesting city with a mix of flavors in architect and dishes that come from European and Moorish influences. Even good ol’ Gaudi has had his hand on some of the sights. It’s a smallish town that can be walked around in about an hour, but there’s enough to entertain for a short holiday whether a sightseeing history buff or one in need of some retail therapy.

A and I were keen to catch up and decided a little trip might be just the ideal opportunity to do just that with a bit of travel as well. The four days flew by really and we had a great time seeing Palma, taking the train and tram through the mountains to the northwest side where Soller (soyer) and the port are located, doing a bit of pampering at the Hammam and eating some delicious food – some local and some not.

Overall, I would go back again as we did skip going into some of the attractions as we weren’t so into hopping on or off, but if I never went back I wouldn’t feel as if I missed anything major either. It might be a nice little Spanish getaway for a long weekend and worth exploring the other side of the island another time, but … I’m glad I went and I enjoyed it fully, but don’t necessarily need to go again. πŸ€ͺ

Here’s a link to all the photos and videos, if you’re interested:

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Nov 012023

There is a mixed feeling of awe and sadness when I look out the window of a plane as it takes off into the air leaving behind the ground below. 

The awe is amazement for the technology that makes flight possible in a big chunk of metal and a mass weighing hundreds of pounds somehow soaring in the atmosphere above. 

Thanks to this technological advancement that we often take for granted in today’s world, we are able to see different lands, experience new cultures and share in humanity with those we may never have known existed before. The expansion of our world views is awe-spiring.Β 

Then, there is the sadness. The land and constant world below continues to move and function even after I am no longer in amongst it. It is a reminder of my insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe. It is a realization that the connection of the moments and experiences in the space below is either cut or temporarily suspended.Β 

Somewhere deep inside is a well of sadness and confusion in this mix of emotions. 

Many years ago a similar chunk of metal lifted me into the skies and severed the unknown ties I had in an eventually forgotten world below. It would be twenty or more years before I would touch upon my native soil again. Yet, I will have taken many more flights that transported me from one place to another in those years increasing my awe and further burying the sadness within.Β 

It is the understanding that I am able to return someday and a willful naivety that allows me to say that I will be back again – but probably won’t.Β 

Emotions swirl between excitement for a possible return and a sad knowledge that the likelihood is slim. 

Yet, there are some places that do draw me back.Β 

Despite having seen a significant amount of Japan, I keep returning. Even with a mixed relationship with my birth country, I go back as a visitor but never as a countrywoman. Obviously, I see my loved ones in the country that I identify most with although I have no intention of ever returning to it full time.

In these cases, familiarity does not breed complacency, but complexity. 

Perhaps this is the way of life – finding acceptance in the in-between of these conflicting emotions that remind us of our insignificant humanity in an amazing world.Β 

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

PS – pics and updates on my trip to come…

Oct 282023

It’s been a bit busy this week with final electrical work being done on the kitchen, changing of seasonal clothes around in the closet, yoga and tennis, plus preparing for my long weekend ladies’ trip to Palma Mallorca.

I haven’t been to Spain for a proper visit in quite some time, so it is nice to explore a different part of the country on the Balearic Island of Majorca. Also, I love that I can speak a bit of Spanish to brush up my language skills.

This is the beginning of our traveling period as I’ll be here for four days, then back for a week before we head to Japan for two weeks and then back for a couple of days before we go to Florence for a couple of days and return again for another week or so. Then, it’s the big troop to the Bahamas, Christmas in Oregon, and back to the Bahamas for the new year. It’s gonna be a whirlwind! But, soooo much fun – we are both very excited.

With all that, I feel grateful to have a day to myself before my friend arrives. While I am super excited to have some ladies’ time, I am also happy to have time to myself as M and I have been together quite a lot lately and the travels will be a lot of togetherness and with others too. So, a little quite time is always good for me to recharge and store up!

Anyway, I’ll post pics of the trip when I get back!

Until then,

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 232023

They started on Thursday last week and came back on Friday to do more. They still need to return sometime this coming week to bring our wine fridge, but otherwise it’s in!! πŸŽ‰

We still need to remove the old fridge from the space, but after spending Friday afternoon, evening and all of Saturday organizing we feel it is basically “moved in” now! And, we are so in love β€οΈπŸ’œ…with the kitchen (and each other, of course! πŸ˜…)

I have even baked already in the new space testing out the location of our pantry items, dishes, etc. It was so smooth and easy. You might see me in this kitchen more than ever before, but I won’t get ahead of myself. πŸ€ͺ For now, though, we are in awe of how much it has changed the energy and our use of the room compared to before.

Now, just to keep it clean and decide when to have our first kitchen dinner party! 😁

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 162023

Our first proper renovation in the house has begun.

The kitchen is an interesting place in my history. For me, it has very mixed emotions. My unhappiest and happiest memories are in a kitchen.

Before my family, I would be punished in the kitchen. The grand event that got me moved out of my second adoptive family occurred in the kitchen. When I used to get panic attacks as an adult, they were always in the kitchen. My displeasure of cooking likely stems from these buried traumatic moments of early childhood.

However, I have very happy memories sitting at the island watching my mom or dad cook. We would have conversations as I sat watching. Or, I would take over the oven watch when Mom had finished making the dough for cookies. Dad reviewed the art of seeing how fractions were applied in life by asking me to convert recipes as he made muffins or cut vegetables.

Later in life I would be curious as parties would always somehow migrate to the small space of a kitchen. No matter how much space was available to sit on a balcony, in a living room, or elsewhere, one could always find a number of people stuffed closely in a smaller kitchen space conversing happily. The kitchen seems to be the heart of a home.

Thanks to my happy memories, I have slowly been able to overcome my preference to avoid it – though I still don’t cook much because M does! I have always preferred baking to cooking as well. Anyway, when we bought our house, we knew that the kitchen would eventually need updating. For M, it is absolutely the heart of a home. He loves to hold counsel, entertain, and shoot the breeze while we prepares a meal. So, we wanted to make it a modern and happy space where we could hold smaller dinner parties with that quaint at-home feel.

Although we had some challenges with finding the right company to work with us in a timely manner, we finally have some progress. In less than an hour this morning, they came and took away the “old” kitchen. The “new” one comes on Thursday. In the meantime, the tiles will be removed, the electrician will come to redo wiring and prepare the space for everything to work well beforehand. Then, all being well, I shall post on Friday with pics of the finished space! Stay tuned!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 132023

…that the Lord hath made. Let us rejoice and be glad in them. 🎢

When I was young, spring and fall were my least favorite seasons because it meant rain and allergies while summer and winter were the days of vacation. Now, I barely tolerate summer as the heat is no longer my friend, winter is OK for a month or so until it gets boring being cold and having days of grey. So, now, I accept I must simply pop some antihistamines once or twice a day and turn my attention to feeling gratitude toward the still warm days (but not dreadful heat) that mark the autumn season. Of course, wait until I write next week after a week of the rain that is coming… πŸ€ͺ

Overall, though, I have been making a point of rejoicing and being glad in my days.

Although I am not overly religious, and have long since moved away from the life of Church-going, fellowship gatherings, and the like, I still believe in a bigger entity that I have previously shared that I call both Father God and Lady Universe – I think acknowledging the masculine and feminine powers is important.

Lately, I have developed an irrational (probably hormonal) sense of anxiety about driving, socializing, and various other everyday activities. While I am pretty good at talking myself out of and through it, I have found that one way I feel calm and at peace is through listening to Christian music. I know, weird-ish, right?!

Music has always been something that has soothed me. I remember humming as a child whenever I felt a little stressed and it would lighten my mood. For whatever reason, I can remember many lyrics and often sing along to songs (which tortured my brother for years) as I love how the mix of words and music tell a story.

So, it has been with joy that I have rediscovered the role of it in my life – especially as a soother to my anxiousness.

With that, Happy Friday the 13th! May you be rejoicing and being glad these days! ❀️

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 092023

So… I thought I had sworn off doing braids again after having three goes before – each lasting fewer days than the one before. My first round was done at the same place as the two following, but by a different braider. I loved them and only took them out after two weeks because I broke my ankle and got bored with them whilst laying on my back.

The two rounds after that were less than stellar with the last round lasting only a few days after the cornrows pulled out and my head went on fire from whatever gel they used for the braiding. Thus, I said I wouldn’t do them again….

But, then, I looked at pictures and I felt that perhaps I shouldn’t give up on them, but instead find a new place to go. Well, a little search online revealed another option with a nice Instagram account @braidedbywhitney_ located just a bit outside the center of Rome. Through messages, I felt confident to give it another try.

I went back to the first style, and am so in love with the look!

When I got the first set done, M and I pondered if this would be considered a version of cultural appropriation or not. Both of us dislike it when we see people dressing in the cultural dress of another country or when someone sends/says wishes for a holiday that they don’t actually celebrate. So, it was worth a bit of a consideration on whether or not I am being hypocritical by having my hair braided.

In the end, I felt that a) it is not really cultural appropriation as I’m not exploiting the African braids, but rather having my hair done in a style that I love; b) it doesn’t really matter if people think I am or not because well, I don’t care. I do not think I am personally offending anyone and am not promoting nor disrespecting any culture by my preference of hairstyle. So…there’s that!

Besides, I’ll have my hair this way for a few weeks. Then, I’ll take it out before I go to Japan next month as I plan to get my hair permed there and then I’ll have curly hair for a while. The fact is, I like to do different things with my hair because I can and it always grows back! πŸ€ͺ

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 062023

Just a quick Hi before I head off to get my hair braided – again. I’m making another attempt at the braids because I love the look of them and it’s so easy to do my hair (well that last part might not be totally true). I’ll post up on that later.

It’s been a great week overall. My tasks each day have gotten done without too much struggle. My writing has stayed on track. The only thing I need to catch up on a bit is getting my writing website sorted, but I’ll work on it a bit this weekend. So, overall, I feel as if the refreshing of my schedule fulfilled its purpose.

With that, until next week! Have a lovely weekend!

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ

Oct 022023

It’s already October, y’all! I feel as if this year has flown by, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to this month. Why?

Well, because we have plans to stay put for most of the month! We just got back from our separate travels this afternoon after a long drive back together from France. M decided to fly in to Nice so we could come back together, which was nice and not nice-but that’s another story.

Anyway, I’ve now unpacked and settled back into my office as I begin to think about all that needs to be done this week and over the next few weeks. Aside from me having a girls’ trip at the end of the month (I know, but it is at the END of the month, so technically we are here most of the month! 😬), we are getting our new kitchen installed mid-month, and want to enjoy the lingering warmer temps as much as possible. Sure, we are going to be in warmer environs most of December, but hey we can still appreciate it whilst at home.

So, here’s to “normal” days and sleeping in my own bed with a return to “routine”! β˜€οΈ

~T πŸ”₯πŸ‰β™‹οΈ


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