Dec 022021

Last year, I sort of skipped my usual month-long period of reflection and envisioning what the next year will look like for me. For the world, 2020 will be a year remembered as when our concept of normal started to be redefined.

Looking back, 2021 has been an even better year than 2020 for me/us.

We managed to nearly finish our Italian residency (when that is done – with card in hand – I will update on that). We have agreed to purchase a new house that we love and has all kinds of positive energy in it that I barely notice that I either haven’t stepped outside all day or left the property in days. 😉 The Universal Asian platform has evolved, rebranded and continues to grow such that I am confident that it is on the verge of bursting into a money-making venture. Friendships have grown, been lost, and depended upon. M and I are still strong together despite a few up and down days, but our love continues to flow. My health is in good condition and I am overall satisfied with my exercise 💪🏽 and weight.

So, not a bad year upon reflection and my mental health wheel of life seems to be evenly balanced. Therefore, it is time to expand the diameter of it for greater fullness.

One area that I am planning on focusing 2022 on is in my writing ✍️ . I’m tired of my own claims to want to write a novel and not having anything to show for it. I’m tired of making excuses for why I don’t or can’t write. Therefore, as I type this post, I am sitting in a cafe as the beginning of my commitment to make weekly writing dates away from the house, on my own, and refusing to give in to other distractions that present themselves on my phone, in my inbox, or wherever. It’s no easy task, but it is necessary. I know I have read enough books 📚 on what I need to do now that it is time to put into action and create results!

Along with this, I am going to make a concerted effort to finish my book coaching course that I started in November 2020. Although I mostly started it for my own benefit to understand what it takes to consider writing a book, I also feel that it is something that I can do on the side over time.

One might think that running the platform is plenty, and in most ways it is, but I intend to build it up to the point that it can run itself or become an entity on its own. So, while TUA is a passion project, it is not enough fulfillment of my creative side. Therefore, I want to spend 2022 giving more attention to who I am as a creative, a writer, and somewhat quirky human. 🤪

~T 😁

Dec 012021

**Found this in my draft folder from sometime in 2019, but still feels apt now, so publishing anyway. 🙂 **

I moved away from my home because I hate the rain. If it weren’t for my family, I would probably never go back because most of my life there was spent in a state of depression. Sounds too dramatic, doesn’t it?

Okay, I admit I have many happy memories and everyone knows that I adore my family. Still, I have no doubt in my mind that if I had stayed I’d be on all kinds of antidepressants or using my vacation days to escape the gloomy mood that inevitably hits me.

Having spent nine years in a country that had no more than a week or two of rain or grey and sun that allowed me to have a permanent bikini tan line, I find myself a bit disconcerted by the fading melanin of my skin pigment and the number of rainy days that have come already this year.

As my skin color fades to an opaqueness, I find parallelism in the fact that my mind is also starting to move into a state of blankness.

The other day I commented on the fact that these days I find myself not pondering on much of anything. While a meditative goal is to free the mind of all thoughts, I wonder if this is what that means. M attributes it to the fact that we have very little to worry about these days compared to before. Maybe he is right. Perhaps the past has given me some perspective on the present and I no long find the need to dwell on the smaller matters. I do know that A LOT less gets me worked up – despite what my husband might say. 😛

Still, this “calm” makes it rather difficult to write because I got nothing filling my head with angst – or if I do, I just let it go rather than stew….

Thankfully, (or not!) the rain still brings a pensive 🤔 atmosphere. Even though I do not get too upset by getting wet (wait until typhoon season and I’ll be singing a different tune!), I do get tired and greyer with the dark skies. Even my clothing went from spring pink colors to greys and blacks.

So, I guess that I should be happy when the rain comes because at least it activates my creative side. However, I probably should find another way to motivate myself to do the writing I want to do because one day I hope to live in a temperate climate and will still need a creative outlet. For now, I’ll try to appreciate the rainy days and enjoy the quiet in my mind.

~T 😀

Nov 232021

For the TUA platform, we have had a few events that share the creative works of others. As I experience the events, I find myself envious of the community and the expression of their work.

As a child, I desperately wanted to share my stories and searched for others to hear my words. Yet, I never really did. My mother would read my stories and critique for grammar or flow, but if she actually understood my words, I didn’t know. My father would read my stories from school and though he might have appreciated the content, I think he didn’t see the point of my wanting to write. They are not to blame, by any means. However, if I had had a community of adoptees or other Asians with whom we could share our creative energy, I would have pursued such a path more vehemently.

Instead, it has always been a hobby to write poems or stories. I’ve had a few pieces published in actual print and I have contributed to online publications before starting TUA. However, despite my desires to make writing my main focus, I have not. M claims that perhaps it is not really a passion or dream of mine to write since I have not yet done it. It’s true, there really is nothing stopping me and I do have the time, for the most part.

Yet, I do not write.

But, I am a writer.

Still, I do not write what I should write.

However, I do write on my blog, in my journal on a daily basis, stories now and then, for my writing group when inclined.

So, where or what is the problem?

I blame time. I blame distractions. I blame the platform. I blame my husband. I blame…myself. I blame…fear. I blame the what-ifs.

They say that we have to create a habit and a routine. I keep saying that I can’t or don’t need to. They write. I only do sometimes. Perhaps it is time for me to finally push aside my stubbornness and admit they are ‘write’ and I am not. Though I like to forge my own way in life, there is something to be said for the proven track record of others – they can’t all be wrong, can they?

Yet, I recall never having to stay up all night to write academic papers because the way that I write was not like my peers. So, while ALL of my peers pulled all-nighters to finish a paper, I wrote mine during the day in a matter of hours because I had put most of it together in my head. I also brew on topics and stories in my head before they ever hit the keyboard/pen to paper. Then, I sit and “vomit” it out. Still, there must be a balance because I do know that the creativity aspect is not being accessed regularly. I know that I could write more. I know that I could have more polished and powerful pieces than I do.

Thus, all this circling in my brain is to say, I have creativity envy. I admit it. I don’t like it and so I shall take some space to consider, adjust, and reconfigure how I remove the envy and join the community more actively. 😛

~T 😀

Oct 192021

A recent conversation on writing with emotion has gotten me finding clouded spaces in my head. There are parts of my brain that remain behind locked doors, both out of choice and out of subconscious survival mechanisms. However, I am in a good and safe space these days that perhaps I can at least take a peek through the keyholes of some of these doors to let in some light.

I see auras. They aren’t colorful auras of the rainbow that some say they can see, but rather variations of light and dark. I base my decisions on whether or not to like someone or to allow myself to be in a space depending on the shades I see. When this started to happen I cannot say, but I imagine that I have had this way of viewing the world from birth. It has only been in recent years that I have come to acknowledge it as a flashlight that can guide me in what often feels like the dark.

My first memory of a shadow and darkness was while in my first family upon being adopted in the States. Words came out of my mouth, but the faceless shadow overhead neither understood nor reacted with lightness. This left my psyche confused and forever marked with a fear of being unheard and misunderstood. My world was mostly dark during the two or three years that I was in this family. Some flashes of light pass through my mind when I recall my first snow day.

The world was white outside. My older brothers and I went out into the snow to play. I giggled freely with joy and unadulterated mischievousness that comes from snowball fights and building snowmen. The sweet taste of warm apple cider still lingers on my lips as I warmed from the cold outside, letting the crisp freedom of the day fill my heart with a rare and fleeting moment of lightness. 

That flash of memory would be the last light I would see for many years. It was also the day that I was taken away from this family in which I was just beginning to find my place. Grey confusion filled me, and still does even now, in trying to piece together the puzzle of why I was removed and the irony of it being one of the best days I had had up to that point.

Dark shades of grey remain as a fog of mystery over the next six months following that blissful snow day when I was supposedly under a protective umbrella of bright light. It wasn’t until my mid-thirties that I discovered the mechanisms of singing, swinging my legs in joy, and laughing out loud – the humorous side of me – had been nourished for a sweet six months, but my mind had hidden it away under an opaque grey cover. 

It’s as if my heart and mind conspired together to wrap up all the love and joy that I must have had knowing that it would be the only thing to keep me alive in the years to come. So, I buried the art of laughter and humor deep inside until I no longer recognized it as a positive part of the world. Instead, I see it as a way to tell the truth in a mean way. Perhaps, though, I am still wanting to protect the light that lies beneath.

During the extremely dark years from ages 5 to 8, I never saw more than fleeting spots of light much like driving on a rarely traversed road at night. My many stories of physical abuse, psychological warfare, religious brainwashing, and confusion of sexual touches as expressions of love were all surrounded in darkness and lies. There is no humor to be found. Instead, I determined that life was only worth living if I was honest with myself and to others. Honesty provided me with a semblance of light like a fluorescent bulb in a dimly lit room. 

It was his honesty that showed me how to let in the light when my father told me directly the most ironic statement, “You won’t last long in this family if you can’t learn to take a joke.” At eight-years-old, I cried deeply at this. There was so much in that one sentence that neither he nor I could have known its significance at the time. Would I last very long in my third adoptive family? His directness gave me freedom to be, to see, to feel honesty at last from those on whom I depended. More importantly, laughter and joy was required by the taking and telling of jokes. 

Well, I did last with them and I will forever refer to my family, and my father especially, as my guardian angels of light. Aside from my husband, these are the only people with whom both honesty and humor are no longer shady auras of the dark, but are rather an immense ball of bright radiance.

So, although I still lack appreciation for the humorous aspects of life preferring directness that is found in being honest, I realize that if I allow myself to dive deeper within, my underlying emotions are actually rife with humor, which provides me with the strength to reflect on my early years with more smiles than tears.

Sep 012021
  • Happiness today is a sense of accomplishment
    reflecting on how the last year has went,
    but also taking a break
    to see what will awake
    for more success
    in feeling more, not less.
  • Happiness today is setting aside time for me
    and letting the mind and body just be
    focused on with a massage
    without a worry or concern about my visage.
  • Happiness today is a good night’s sleep
    waking up and out of the deep,
    fully rested for the day ahead
    and getting out of the right side of the bed.
  • Happiness today is the grey Monday morning
    that focuses one to work inside without a sense of forlorning
    that usually comes
    when one prefers to play in the sun.
  • Happiness today is the realization of a routine
    that has become natural again, if you what what I mean?
    The tea preparations made
    and the mat is laid
    to start the day
    in a positive way.
  • Happiness today is a sense of fulfilling
    the life purpose that is developing
    to be in the spirit that inspires
    others to aspire
    and be
    the greatest human they can see.
  • Happiness today is reconnecting with a friend
    with whom one was unsure if the connection was at an end
    because life has ups and downs
    but changes occur in leaps and bounds;
    so to reconnect
    does positively the soul affect.
  • Happiness today is believing in myself and my convictions
    so as not to be led by others’ predilections
    toward drawing lines requiring one to decide
    rather than respecting a different side
    for life is not about disparity
    but rather in acknowledging our unity.
  • Happiness today is having a sense of connection
    with others even though I’d rather be in my own section
    most of the time – still finding what unites us
    can be worth all the fuss.
  • Happiness today is enjoying the quiet
    away from the voices that riot
    from time and space in my mind
    and taking the time to myself be kind.
  • Happiness today is the starting of the week
    laying plans that will undoubtedly need to be tweaked,
    but still there is excitement in what is ahead
    enough, to get this one out of bed.
  • Happiness today is waking up feeling okay
    despite an evening of libations and laughing away
    with newish friends in the town
    during the spring jazz festival time getting down.
  • Happiness today is feeling heard
    to be given time to sit and listen to the birds
    and surround myself in the calm
    before all the bells alarm!

Aug 032021
  • Happiness is the waking of the dawn
    when the birds sing their song
    to catch their bugs and worms,
    when the air is fresh and there are no terms
    when it’s quiet before human activity begins
    to overwhelm and override their sins.
  • Happiness is that feeling of familiarity
    seeing the world with comfortable clarity,
    knowing what’s around the bend
    and hoping the peace never ends.
  • Happiness today is the sense of release,
    the built up stress can temporarily cease!
  • Happiness today is the sun shining through the wind,
    sitting in the warmth of its rays welcoming whatever the universe will send.
  • Happiness today is the yoga mat
    where one can be sat
    focusing on breath, body, and alignment
    with the mind, soul, and physical to find a balance and be content.
  • Happiness today is being present in the here and now
    without worrying about the what, when, or how;
    breathing in, breathing out; I am here, now.
  • Happiness today is my morning cup of coffee
    what lies inside and ahead we cannot yet see,
    but that is what makes the adventure;
    creating our greatest future.
  • Happiness today is companionship and love
    in the form of soulmates and kindred spirits sent from above;
    through laughter, food, and wine
    we shall enjoy the passing of time.
  • Happiness today comes with a purr,
    the warmth and softness of their fur;
    patiently waiting for me to wake
    for the food they are dying to partake.
  • Happiness today is in the rain coming down
    as it means a period indoors aside from a quick trip to town;
    cats are napping thanks to the grey,
    but even that makes me smile, I have to say!
  • Happiness today is the cup of English Breakfast tea
    made as part of the morning routine for my husband and me;
    it’s the compromise of our blending – English and American –
    first there’s tea, then coffee, sometimes made by me and sometimes by my man.
  • Happiness today is the adrenaline rushing
    in preparation for nearly 200 people watching
    an online event for adoptees,
    who were all sent overseas.
  • Happiness today is the feeling of making a difference
    when another being can sense
    they are not alone,
    but through their tribe, are at home.
  • Happiness today is the color green
    and the gift of all that can be seen;
    sometimes we miss or take for granted
    a view that may be slanted
    on the spectrum toward grey,
    but there are so many colors in a day.
  • Happiness today is feeling awake
    besides getting up early by mistake,
    with a restless night’s sleep,
    a nap in the afternoon sun will be no leap.

~T 😀

May 272021

Below is a piece that I wrote in a short three-week “Adoption Writing Experience” class that I have been taking. Today is sadly the last of the series, but it has made me fall in love with writing again. So, thank you, 🙏🏽AP! 💞

“Within two days on my own, I feel as if I’ve let out my breath from holding it for the past 16 months. My husband is lovely. He’s a cheerful labrador, but I prefer to liken him to a poodle on crack. His energy consumes while mine diffuses. As I exhale, he inhales, but I inhale his exhale.

As a couple, the teeter-totter balancing act is what keeps the adventure of life going; sometimes one is up, others times it’s down. However, like being at the bottom while trying to carry something up a flight of stairs, the weight can become heavier and heavier. 

I think now, this was me over the last couple of months.

Perhaps Lady Universe heard my sighs and heavily whispered pleas for a break, because I finally have found a way out of the heavy load. My breath can be my own again.

Solitude and quiet recharge me. It’s in the quiet that I can filter the noise and find my own voice. Like sifting through the cereal box to find the special toy, I need space to pour out the box and move the marshmallows and bits that distract from the prize.

When I can write and hear my own voice, I can be what I need to be for others. When this is overridden, I struggle and all the other voices in my head start to make me feel like I’m going crazy.

So, it is nice to say Hello to me again and to let myself know that I’m not losing my mind, but rather finding it again.

My resolution for when my lovely bouncing ball of energy returns is to gently let him know that I need the space and time daily to hear myself so that we can continue to teeter-totter together with joy rather than let the burden get heavy again.”


I wrote this last week and then M came home. It was a strange feeling having him back as four days was just enough for me to get into my own rhythm and settle into my ways. There was an inner turmoil in me that I had to observe as I think that I had an increased load on my sympathetic nervous system. 💪🏽🏃🏽‍♀️

Inside, I felt unjustifiably bitter that I was letting go of my newfound routine just because M was back. However, logic and reasoning returned to remind me, “Tara, you’re an adult, nothing is stopping you from doing what you want. Just be reasonable.”

So, I did.

My yoga and meditation time returned easily. My writing time, though, still needs some work to compromise on the head/energy space. We both like to be outside in the sun when we can, but he likes/needs to talk or have noise and I do not. Therefore, a schedule is probably needed on my part so that I can find that quiet space, whether in the sun or not, and still have time to enjoy the extroverted lifestyle each day.

In any case, I’ve been given another couple of days of quiet to keep working on the balance and defining the priorities. So, thank you Universe! 😇☀️🙏🏽

~T 😀

Nov 172020

You know those days when it seems that no matter what you do, or how perfectly set up you are, you are just not going to get any work done? Today was one of those days.

Nothing has gone wrong, but two trips to the car rental agency to try to trade to an automatic and a husband who thrives on chaos which is highly strung today, seems to be just the way things are aligned for the day.

Luckily, my required work got done early, so if I don’t get my other work done it will not be the end of the world; and I can find solace in the fact that I am inspired to write instead. There’s always a silver lining if we just leave ourselves open to being shown it.

Another version of myself would be sitting in frustration looking for somewhere to place blame while fretting about best laid plans and waylaid courses. However, this version of me just smiles and shakes her head at the naivety of still believing I have any control or say over how my day is to go – even with my continued love (and dependence) on routine and schedules.

So, I’m going with my inspiration and the mood fighting a rather strong desire to plop down on the couch, turn on some crime TV and let my mind drift into oblivion.

A friend of mine encouragingly reminded me to not write for others or work in creative spaces for anyone other than myself. Much truth lies in these words. Yet, there is also a part of me that struggles with that idea as I have, to be honest, spent most of my life for myself.

But, as I was doing some studying/learning today, I came across a question to ask writers: Why do you want to tell THIS story?

The heart of any writing I do is buried in a desire to help others. When I was eight, I felt alone and strange in the world I had ended up in. It was just being adopted or having a unique international then domestic experience. It was that I became aware of a consciousness that was not the same as those around me whether my own age or older.

So, somehow I knew that my view of the world needed to be shared because surely I could not be alone in the way that I see it. It’s taken me years to find my voice or to have the confidence (thank god for aging) to speak out and to let myself be heard. It’s still a process, but my voice is becoming stronger and louder.

Thus, on days like today when I thought my usual routine would be what makes me feel satisfied at the end of it yet takes me a different direction, I am happy to follow where it goes into a zone – twilight or dawn. 😉

~T 😀

Aug 252020

In 2016, I decided to quit my job because I was at a breaking point and I was under the naive impression that being newly married meant that my husband would take care of me.

Without going into too much detail, that delusion was more of a nightmare of grandeur. Thankfully, my stubborn character did not despair at the reality that in my new partnership I need to be the one who is more financially conscientious. 🤷🏽‍♀️ That’s not the same as responsible… 😇

Fortunately, in a short time and a change of country, we have found ourselves in a better position with our financial situation where I could revisit the idea of quitting full-time work.

Although I am a hard-worker, take pride in my profession, and generally care about whatever I do, I have never been great at being under the thumb of authority. If given freedom to do my work and recognition for what I can offer, I can thrive. However, Japan is not the place for such work culture and my stubborn streak does dig in when it comes to my career.

So, when COVID19 hit and remote work was installed, I determined to find a way to ensure that I would never have to go back to working in an office again. Thanks to the law of attraction and our mutual desire to make our future lifestyle a reality sooner than later, this has come about as I desired.

Since we have decided to move to southern France in mid-October, it opened the door to paving the way towards becoming a digital nomad, allowing me to become a roaming artist at last and fulfilling my lifelong dream of pursuing being a writer.

Before the worrier-reader freaks out for me, don’t fret! I am still cautious enough that I will be working on a project-basis for my current/former company and continuing other freelance work as I also focus on building up The Universal Asian into a media giant!

However, as I am never satisfied with just a few balls in the air, I will also be transitioning towards creating my writer persona as OSH. Based on advice that I have read, I have created an author page, so feel free to follow that at I’m also working on some other platforms and places to start developing a readership. 😀

Of course, I’ll keep on posting here as Tara since this is kind of like my sandbox for different ideas and the random meandering thoughts of my mind.

~T 😀

May 152020

This week, I decided to create a new “Quarantine Schedule” to try to get myself ready for the eventual return to regularly scheduled activities.

Since I have gotten used to having time at home everyday, I decided it was time to start behaving as if I were going to an office – just minus the commute. Also, I have allowed some flexibility with how I spend my time during the day just as I would even if I were in the office. I mean, I am always multitasking; it’s just what I do. 😉

To be honest, though, I am not eager to go back to the old normal. I am also unsure what the new normal will look like. A part of me is keen to be able to redefine my full-time work, which was starting to happen before ‘pandemic’ life took over. However, a bigger part of me is just content to let life continue as is – work from home all the time….

Having this time to reflect on what I would like life to be has been good. Something that I have become even more aware of than before is that all things are temporary.

In returning to a mindfulness meditation practice, I have been able to re-focus on the fact that our society, language, lives, environments, and circumstances are always in motion.

However, ironically, the one thing that seems to stay the same are people. You know that saying that a Zebra can’t change its stripes? On some level, I wholeheartedly disagree with this as people can change if they really want to. It takes work, reflective activity, and persistence, but it is humanly possible. Unfortunately, most people give up with the pathetic excuse that they ‘can’t’ change. Really, they should say they ‘won’t’ change.

These days, it is normal to say things like “I am who I am” or “I have to learn to love myself for who I am”. While the general sentiment behind these statements are true when we play negative recordings on repeat to self-sabotage, it does not excuse us from trying to be better human beings.

One thing that has contributed to my break from social media are the posts that suggest people should “forgive themselves” for not doing anything during these anxious times. It’s true that if your body and mind are feeling stressed and anxious that we should focus on keeping ourselves healthy. However, this should not be used as an excuse to be complacent or stagnant in life.

There is never a day or time that I can honestly say that I’m bored or that I have nothing to do. There are so many books in the world to read. There are thousands of online courses for free to take and learn something new. There are millions of YouTube videos to watch that teach us how to do things. There are gazillions of recipes to try. There are stories to write. There are miles to walk. There are billions of people to help. There is ALWAYS something to do. It is by this belief that I live my life.

In doing so, it’s hard to keep up with all there is out there to be done. Shouldn’t this be the new normal?

~T 😀


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