Jul 262017

It has been years since I wore proper trainers/sneakers to work out in. Ever since I discovered Vibram Five Fingers, I never really looked back.

My love for these kind of shoes started with my love for what I call ‘toe-socks’ which are popular in Japan. I still wear them around the house or especially on flights as it helps my feet. They are also great for yoga to train the toes to open out wide giving a nice base for your feet.

However, there are times when my heels start to hurt as I tend to be a heel-toe walker rather than the other way around. Therefore, not having enough support/cushion can leave it bruised or sore.

Participating in the MRTTAD Summer Challenge where we are in teams to try to see how many kilometers we can get in has been a challenge indeed. First, I had stress. Then, I got sick. This week I finally got back to it, but then hurt my heel….

So…I had been contemplating going back to ‘normal’ shoes again especially since we are likely moving to a country where I’ll have to actually put coverings on my feet. This seemed like a good time to take the plunge.

Determined not to spend too much on some new runners, I went shopping yesterday with only a set amount of money in my wallet. In short time, I found these lovely Adidas for just the right price!

They have been given a go today, so will see how my heel feels tomorrow, but overall, I am happy with my purchase. Still, it is going to take a bit to get used to wearing coverings on my feet again! πŸ˜‰

~T πŸ˜€

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