Apr 282017

As promised, I am here to update on my post about the podcast S-Town

Although M gave up on the podcast because the story was advertised as something different than it turned out to be, I found myself enjoying the narrative and continued through.

The story of John B McLemore is both sad and fascinating at the same time. SPOILER ALERT:  It seems that Mercury poisoning was the cause of his demise, which is quite sad given that the man was a seeming genius.

It was quite clear that JBM was likely gay or at least somewhat and struggled in a very small town. Despite his eccentricities, though, he seemed loved and supported by his friends and community. His mental decline started to take a toll, however, and this is when the reporter Brian Reed comes into the scene.

I was quite fascinated by the storytelling of this man’s life. Even though it started out as a potential story about murder and crime, it turned into a sharing about a man who seemed to suffer while alive but in his death got recognized for who he was.

Overall, I recommend it. There are some gritty parts, but there’s nothing scary about it. πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€

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