Feb 022017

Have you ever wished that you could just spend your life in solitude or just hang with the people you choose to without the need for money or worry about what you are doing with your life? Can you imagine if everyone stopped striving or craving for more or even a seemingly good ‘purpose’ of making the world a better place? What if we all just went about our lives in peace and love?

I often dream of not having to work at all and doing whatever I want from day to day. Currently, my life should meet this desire, but due to the need for money and the desire for more in our lives, we work and work….I spent the first month or so actually trying to live this way by going to the pool regularly or watching TV when I pleased and the truth is that I am not completely cutout for such a way of life. Even though I say how much I would love it, I do not know what it feels like or what it would really even look like.

When I see people posting about “Living the Dream” or “Working from Home” or “Being Able to Travel with Family More”, the reality is that those people are still ‘working’ when they make those posts. Most of those people work for themselves and probably work more – just happier about it – than they did in an office 9-5 job and/or have just changed their hours to evenings, weekends or in-between activities. It is not completely a work-free lifestyle, because those people are not posting anything about their lives – instead they are living it.

Teaching was never my dream job. 😳 In fact, I never really dreamed of working at all. 😁 I mean, I had other jobs in mind that I thought would be interesting, but the truth is that most of those ideas came from others and my perception of what others wanted me to be. If I look back and think hard, all I ever wanted to do that was of my own idea or accord was to write. I wanted to be able to travel around the world, sit in cafes and write stories about what I saw, what I felt, what I experienced. I wanted to get paid enough to do that and not have to worry about the rest of things in life. My little 8-year-old self knew then what was best for me – yet, life, family, society and the world got in the way.

Our expectations of ourselves, of others and of the global community gets in the way of who we really are and whom we are meant to be. 😼

When I determined my life purpose in my first coaching training workshop, I realized that who I want to be is a backstage player letting others shine ahead. My life purpose of “I am the spirit that inspires others to reach their greatest potential” is not the same as being “the light”, which demands attention, or “the guide” which demands followers. Instead, I want to fill people’s hearts with inspiration for action or change of thinking. This will not make me famous nor may I ever get ‘credit’ for it; however, I can feel as if I have influenced those who have crossed my path in life.

Writing fulfills part of this desire as my words can flow into the hearts and minds of those who read what I might have to say. I do not dare to claim that anything I have to say is grand, important or even necessary to be heard, but there are people out there whom might be touched and find themselves connected to my stories of life.

As I listened to a podcast this morning, I realized that my priorities lately have been directed by the desires of others and, of course, my basic Maslow’s need for money to ensure security and stability. However, aside from my blog here, I have not set aside enough time to write – truly write. Therefore, I am looking to make February my writing month. 👍🏽

~T 😀

 Posted by at 11:35

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