Jan 242017

_The Power of Habit_ by Charles Duhigg 

I believe I started this book some time ago and then got distracted from it due to Book Club, life etc. My completion rate of books seems fairly dependent on either my holidays or time on the treadmill. 🤣

Since I have had no holidays for over a year ☹️, it is my habit of heading to the gym that is getting me back on the reading track again. 

As I do enjoy self-awareness helping books that also include a bit of psychology, I enjoyed this book quite a bit. 

The human brain is something magnificent really and the ability to understand even a tiny fraction of it is so cool. Our habits are formed by our actions and positive or negative response stimulation of those actions. What we need to be aware of are the triggers that create the action and why we desire the response stimulation. When we become aware of these then we can foster the habits that are beneficial to us or break up habits that are not. 

Being someone who needs habits and structures to get by each day this is definitely something relevant and useful to know about. I feel as if I can say that most of my habits are productive and positive because my response stimulation is a sense of calm and peace which I must have to get through life these days. 

Also I do know that through mindfulness and meditation I have greatly controlled and changed my negative responses. When I was younger and less aware, I had much less control over what I said or behaved. Now, I try to choose what will be meaningful rather than hurtful to me or others. 

If you have habits that you’d like to change or are not sure of habits you might want to change, then I highly giving this a read!

~T 😀

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