Aug 192014

Yesterday I stared on the computer and contemplated the fact that I really do NOT need this PhD. Yes, I am nearly finished and all that, but I was really in a bad mindset. So, I took the day ‘off’. I attempted a bit before I went to meet a friend for lunch and though I had good intentions after lunch, especially after J said I could do it, I decided to say ‘f*** it!’ instead for the day.

However, not to have a day completely wasted – it’s not in my brain power πŸ˜› – I did manage to take care of a few other things that I needed to get done such as renewing my car registration. Now, there are some things in this country that are actually quite good in terms of updating processes. This is one of them. I was in and out of the registration building within an hour! This is a miracle. So, that made me happy. Afterwards, I went to the grocery store and considered buying two pairs of shoes that I really do not need and then managed to walk away! Now that’s progress! hahah! πŸ˜€

Anyway, although my apartment is free and mine again, I think that I really do need to head out to the cafe. I need to get a lot more done and it just doesn’t seem to happen at home…. So, wish me luck!!! πŸ˜€

More to come,


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