Aug 122014

It’s been a bit slow-going in this next part of my PhD work, but today I submitted a second revised chapter. So, that’s progress. Now I’m at a bit of a conundrum…. Revise Chapter 3: Methods or Chapter 5: Analysis & Discussion and/or focus on Chapter 2: Literature Review….. There’s still so much to do, but it’s coming together….

Anyway, everything is going well in life. I just need to focus a bit more or something as I need to progress faster. I am not sure what the solution is as I need to be at home to have the best set up of my computers and files, but at the same time I get a bit of cabin fever sitting in my apartment all day….

Thankfully, I change scenery in the evenings by going to M’s and ‘relaxing’ there, which means I work on my friend’s twin-baby blankets in hopes of finishing that up before her shower next month. I’m nearly finished with the squares for one of the blankets and can possibly finish it up this weekend. That will give me just about a month more to do the second one. Possible? For me, OF COURSE! πŸ˜€

So, that’s my life for the moment. πŸ˜‰

More to come,


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