Jul 202012

Seriously, cabin fever is setting in. I’m sick of the hotel bed. I want to jump in the swimming pool, go for a walk without pain or limping…. It has only been five days since the accident, but I would like for the healing process to be a little faster, please!

Here’s the story of the accident, by the way.

Each morning I wake up thinking I will be able to walk normally and there had been some miraculous healing overnight. Yeah, so I’m a wishful (wistful) thinker. πŸ˜‰

<sigh> Anyway…I do need to rest up as we are heading to Hong Kong tomorrow for five days and I really need to be able to walk better there since we won’t want to be just hanging out in the hotel room all the time. So, I just need to hang on another couple of days, then I can take off the bandages myself and see how things look. Mostly, it’s just pain in the ankle that makes walking difficult and still a little sore in the knee area. Basically, I should just marvel at the healing powers of the body and accept that it takes time.

Even though I spend most of the day indoors, I did manage to get out to the pool one afternoon, which was a huge relief! We do also go out in the evenings for dinner, so it’s not as if I don’t get out at all.

Plus, the real truth is that I should be working on my Methods chapter anyway…this is the perfect time considering I can’t do much else…but the procrastinator in me denies this truth…. πŸ˜›

Guess I should get to work!

-T πŸ˜€

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