Feb 212012

I’m bored with almost everything.

*My job is a good one and yet bores me to tears. The thought of doing this job for even another three years is quite depressing. I cannot imagine what people were/are thinking who have stayed for so long…. If I am still doing this job after my three-year contract is finished, KILL ME!

*The weather here is lame right now. I can’t complain since I live in a pretty good climate. However, it’s been sandstorming for nearly a week and I’m pretty much over it…besides my balcony garden is suffering!

*I need to exercise and lose some weight, but I have no motivation because I’m exhausted by the time I get home and just want to have a wee drink and dinner, then vegetate on the couch until I pass out at 8pm…yes, that’s the saddest part of my life right now!

*I want to just have a PhD and not have to do all the work involved in obtaining the degree. I’ve become my students – don’t want/need to study, just give me the grades – I deserve it, right? πŸ˜›

So, the solution to all my really rather pathetically superficial woes is to find myself a sugar daddy. I just need a multi-millionaire man who wants to make my life super easy by paying all my debts, letting me travel at will and providing me with all of life’s luxuries, which include daily spa treatments. Am I really asking too much?

Hee hee hee hee hee πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 11:43

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