Oct 102017

Well, it has indeed been a while since I last posted This Week’s Workouts as I have been rather sporadic in my workout routine. Also, not having a gym makes it more challenging. Although I do tend to walk quite a bit every day, this maintains my weight but does not do much for tone or my idea of ‘fitness’.

Therefore, as I set out to do early last week, I have gone back to meditating and doing yoga regularly. With a slight hiatus starting early for the long weekend, I did manage to get myself onto the mat a few times.

So, here’s what I did last week, so technically this is a LWWs post. πŸ˜›

Monday (Oct 3)

  • Meditation for 15 minutes
  • Vjnana Manual Monday practice (35mins)

Tuesday (Oct 4)

  • Meditation for 20 minutes (Tara Brach)
  • Vjnana Manual Tuesday practice (25mins)

Wednesday (Oct 5)

  • Meditation for 22 minutes (Tara Brach)
  • Vjnana Manual Wednesday practice (35mins)

I am satisfied with the start at least! πŸ˜€

~T πŸ˜€


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