Dec 102016

My yoga teacher said to me in a recent Whatsapp conversation  “I think ur just not a socializer…. I think ur an artist. U need to write and be alone a lot”.



I very quickly have gotten burnt out with the networking activities for business. Now, I know that people say that you cannot wait for the clients to come to you; you have to get yourself out there and promote yourself; talk to people and tell them what you do; etc. I know this is true – in part. In another part, I also know what is true for myself – I am not a talker, go-getter, attention-grabbing kind of person. I never have been and not likely to change that any time soon. Now, this does not mean that I cannot or still should not. However, it does mean that I am not going to like it and if I do not like it, that becomes clear at any event I attend and attempt to speak to people…. Therefore, this is counter-productive to my purpose.

How can I then still get clients and still be me?

Well, one way is through writing and the Internet. Another way is to hire or ask someone nicely to be that person for me. M is a good one, though busy with his own work. There are possibly others I could entice to be a word-of-mouth promoter for me and I shall definitely be pushing that – again nicely. 😀

Still, my passion inclination is to write. I am a writer. Jeff Goins starts his very first book out with this simple statement – First to be a writer you have to call yourself a writer. Just over three years ago I posted about this and had started my way along this path, but got sidelined again. Yet, it continues to return to my mind. Write, Tara, for god’s sake, WRITE!

When K said the above to me the other day, I again came back to YES, I am a Writer! So, start acting like one!

I cannot be a writer if I do not write. Therefore, I have decided that while the time is quiet with the yoga business, I am going to return to working on my novel(s) and look to publish them as Kindle books. It is a free enterprise and though I may only make a small amount of money, I can say I have done it. Besides, who knows…it may just take off!!!

This blog is like my sandbox where I let loose unfiltered thoughts and process in digital writing what I write by hand in my paper journal. So, I am grateful for this space and anyone who actually reads my nonsense regularly. 😉 Now, you may be able to read a whole book by me in the near future! 😛

So…I am an artist – I am a writer!

~T 😀


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