Jul 242016

Day 29:  What friend/family member are you grateful for today?

This is hardly a fair question as someone is bound to be offended if I do not say I am grateful for them. It would be an easy cop out to say ALL of my family and friends, which would be true. However, I am going to risk the offense and focus on the TODAY part of the question. 

Today and for the last two months I have been beyond thankful for our friends D&E. If it were not for them we would be either homeless or sharing a space with others or paying out of our arses in hotel fees. 

Thankfully, because of summer holidays and the generosity of these two (and L, of course), we have had a place to stay as comfortably as could be possible in a space that is not ours during our transition period. Of course, we have good friends all around who would open their homes to us, but it has been very fortuitous that it has worked out for us this way. 

Hopefully, we will be moving into our new space soon (sans electricity – another story for another post) and able to focus on repaying our friends for their open home and hearts. πŸ™‚

~T πŸ˜€

 Posted by at 16:34

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