Aug 212014

So, motivation is still a challenge. I am forcing myself to stay home and try to get some work done. So far, I’ve done a good job of procrastinating and taking care of ‘other’ things. However, I think, I think I am moving in the right direction….

First, I realized that I need to focus on positives and train my brain to associate working at home with results. I also need to focus on positives to stay motivated. To help with that, I have decided to join the trend of daily writing three things I am grateful for every day. While I won’t post it on FB daily, I will try it here as part of my continuing attempt to post regularly here too! πŸ˜‰

Without further ado:

1. I am grateful for my loving and nearly ‘perfect’ boyfriend. <3 [He’s away for a few days, but am so glad to have found such a lovely man.]

2. I am grateful for a decent job that allows me holidays to enjoy/travel/relax. πŸ˜‰ [Even though I don’t always like it, it is a job that offers me the lifestyle I like.]

3. I am grateful for all of my friends – near and far. πŸ˜€ [Without them, I would not be able to survive this crazy expat life!]

With that said, my procrastination is over. Four hours left until I go out tonight, so I definitely want to make at least a bit of progress today! Wish me luck!!!

More to come,



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