Feb 242012

An update on what I’ve learned so far –

A woman who lives at the number that was left in the post called me back. She said that Cathy used to live with her, but that she hasn’t heard anything about her for 12 years. She said the last she heard, Cathy had moved to Seattle, WA. Also, she said that she is/was a drug and alcohol therapist. The woman said that she met Joshua once when he was like 15 or 16 and that Cathy had mentioned me once, but that the woman didn’t really know why I wasn’t with her anymore. I explained it was a complicated story, but appreciated that she had called me back. It’s nice that people do that.

So, it seems that Cathy and James (the father) divorced long ago – was it because of me?

I searched again, seems that Cathy gets around…last said address is somewhere in CA in 2010…. Thus, I thought my next step might be to contact James. Maybe he can shed some light, but perhaps he’d be more reticent to delve back into the past. We shall see.

Interesting how things are moving, but I suppose it could be worse. πŸ˜€


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